
What is a razz


Browse our razzes and click on the one you would like to participate.

Once you land on the selected product page, you will be able to see the number of spots available, as well as the price for each spot. Then, buy as many spots as you want!

The Razz will close if the following happen:

  • When all spots have been purchased
    When this happens, see step #4 (a spot will be randomly selected).
  • Or, when the Razz time limit has expired.
    If all the spots were not purchased before the time limit, the Razz will be cancelled and everyone who bought a spot will be refunded.

Once all spots are sold, we use random.org to determine the selected purchaser among all the purchased spots. Everyone who bought a Razz spot will receive the results by email.

If the spot you purchased was selected by the third-party randomizer, congratulations, you get the item for a fraction of its price! Your item will be shipped within 1 to 4 business days.

Read our FAQ section. You might as well chat with us or send us an email at [email protected] We look forward to reading you!